
Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year!

Such an auspicious time for us moon lovers! February 15-16 is the new moon in Aquarius, with a partial solar eclipse and the Chinese Lunar New Year, welcoming the year of the Dog. This is going to be fun!

Last month’s big full moon energy was the catalyst for big changes, releasing old baggage and letting go. We created more space in our lives, whether we wanted to or not. The good news? If January was about making a clean sweep, February is opening the windows and letting in fresh air. We can lighten up now.

Unlike last month’s dramatic total lunar eclipse, this partial eclipse will carry a soft, gentle energy, and the timing is perfect, coming on the heels of Valentine’s Day, as it is also loving and hopeful.

New moon times are great for planting seeds of intention, setting goals and dreaming big, and we now have growing room and fertile soil. These seeds of possibility can blossom in the coming months if we give them a voice now.

If we focus our intentions with the vibes of Aquarius in mind, we can add a little more oomph to our desires and dreams. Aquarians crave intellectual stimulation, independence and like to see the bigger picture. Maybe it is time for us step into our personal power and take responsibility for how our actions affect the world at large. Or perhaps, we can open our hearts and minds to higher consciousness, and bring a little more light into the world.

And if that weren’t exciting enough, it is also the Chinese New Year, entering the year of the Dog, an Earth Yang Dog Year, to be precise. It is the beginning of the year in China and it will be celebrated with fireworks, vivid colorful displays, and rituals and traditions as old as time. This year will have the element of earth combined with the sign of the dog. And who doesn’t love the loyalty, directness and playfulness of a dog? This combination promises a more grounded, stable year (earth) along with more selfless service, fiercely barking to protect and love our pack, ready for fun and adventure (dog).

On a more practical level, this year will bring more focus on our work, communication and community. And like a dog, we may be raring to go one minute, and napping soundly the next. This will be a year of balance. Being an earth year also helps to remind us that Mother Earth needs us. We must continue to stress the importance of caring for and honoring our planet.

If the Chinese Astrology seems a bit “out there” for you, think about this:  Last year was a Yin Fire Rooster year. Yin represents the feminine, fire and rooster are big energies. Think about the past year and all the women who have stood up and said, “No more!” They harnessed the power of fire, crowed like a rooster and claimed their yin autonomy in the #MeToo movement. Puts the Yang Earth Dog year energy into new perspective, no?

It is my belief that this Aquarius new moon and Chinese Lunar New Year create hope for building a better future, so let’s work hard to make it so. We are all powerful creators, never doubt your ability to manifest positive change. We need to step up our game and live more joyfully and less fearfully. If you will, like a happy dog.

Please take some time in the next few days to honor the Earth and the Moon, set new intentions for the coming months, and celebrate the year of the dog – wag your tail, be playful and joyous, have a good nap and have a treat or two. Just don’t bite the mailman!

Wishing you all new moon blessings and a happy dog year!


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