
The Super-Duper Full Moon

The Super-Duper Full Moon

Eclipse mania is once again sweeping across the country. It’s not surprising that Wednesday’s Super Blood Blue Moon in Leo is making news – it is a BIG deal! This celestial event is special, rare and exciting. Wednesday’s full moon will be super-duper indeed.

Let’s break it down.

A Super Moon happens when the moon is closer to Earth than regular full moons, making it look bigger and more magnificent in the night sky.

The Blood Moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse when the moon moves through the Earth’s shadow, giving the moon have a reddish glow. Can you imagine how our ancestors felt as the moon darkened and turned to blood? Even though we now understand the lunar eclipse phenomena, we are still fascinated and enchanted by the lunar eclipse magic.

A Blue Moon is the rare event of having two full moons in the same month. This January has been bookended by full moons, the first being New Year’s Day and the second the last day of January, an event that happens “once in a blue moon.”

And finally, astrologically speaking, this magical moon is roaring through the fiery sign of Leo, the lion king.

All combined makes this full moon a red-carpet event!  It will certainly be an attention-getter!

Whether you realize it or not, you may already be feeling the intensity of the coming full moon as it sends ripples or waves through your emotions, thoughts and dreams.

All full moons are thought-provoking times, making us more emotional and a tad bit crazy. Each full moon takes on the flavor of the zodiac sign it is passing through, and this one in Leo’s lion energy is big, expansive and proud. Lions, as king of their realm, like to be center stage, and this moon is a show-stopper. The lion also reminds us to be protective and loving towards what we care about. This is not a time to think small or lay low, but to roar loudly.

It’s time to step into your spotlight and shine!

Eclipses are akin to a cosmic reboot, a time of release and endings, followed by a fresh start. Lunar eclipses bring up all sorts of emotional and internal issues. Hidden truths and buried emotions may bubble to the surface to be sorted out and dealt with once and for all.

We all have things in our lives that we hang onto past their expiration date. There is no better time to let go of anything you have outgrown or no longer serves a purpose in your life. This big moon energy may bring you closures or endings. As you listen to your heart, you’ll know the truth, that it is high time to use the courage of a lion to release your grip and let it end.

All endings are followed by new beginnings. Be open to new possibilities. This impending full moon will fuel our imagination and fire our creativity. It is truly time to step into your spotlight.

This Super Blood Blue Leo Moon asks us to don our cape and be the Superhero we are meant to be.

There is no doubt that Wednesday’s full moon will be a potent one, fit for a superhero. If you allow the magic this moon offers to filter into your life, positive change and new inspiration will be gifted to you. Use your own super powers to reflect and embrace what that would look and feel like. Rather super, isn’t it?

As we redirect our focus and recharge our passions, we can begin to live the life we deserve, a life we love. The brightly moonlit sky's the limit!

Wishing you all super-duper full moon blessings!


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