
Reset, Recharge and Renew!

Reset, Recharge and Renew!

Feasting Season is finally over! Do you feel like there is a little more of you to love after all the indulgences? Me too! Colder weather and shorter days, time demands and stress of the holidays, exhaustion and the ever-present cookies and sweet treats all contributed to my post-holiday pudge. If your healthy eating plan and exercise routines went right out the window last month, as mine did, now is the time to get ourselves back on track.

Time for some Ultimate Self-Care to Reset, Recharge and Renew!

A cornerstone of a well-nourished soul is to use ultimate-self care to lovingly nurture and feed your body. As we nourish our body, our spirits are lifted. We find ourselves with more energy which encourages us to move, stretch and use our bodies. We are inspired to try new things, create new routines and explore other possibilities. Ultimate self-care is synonymous with self-love. As we love and honor ourselves, we are better able to love, nurture and honor others.

We can reset, recharge and renew ourselves by getting back to the basics of ultimate self-care.

Let’s hit the reset button on our food choices. I do not recommend “going on a diet.” That phrase implies that sooner or later, one goes off their diet. I would much prefer that we make the goal to be healthy today and every day. Here are my basic healthy eating tips for a well-nourished body and soul:

1)      Eat real food. Eat foods your great-grandmother would recognize as food. She ate real food, not the processed, packaged faux foods that have become staples in our diets. Seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, beans and legumes, as well as organic meats were on grandma’s table. Avoid artificial sweeteners, preservatives and additives by eating real food.

2)      Limit your sugar intake to nearly zero. Sugar has no health benefits whatsoever. Getting sugar out of your diet is no easy feat, but doing so is the best thing you can do for yourself. Want to read more about how sugar affects you, have a look here.

3)      Make lunch your biggest meal of the day. Breakfast is important, but lunchtime is when your digestion is at its peak and most efficient. Try to eat a lighter dinner, at least two hours before going to bed for the night.

4)      Cook for yourself and your family. You really have no way of knowing what is in your take-out or restaurant food. Plan some simple meals that you can cook yourself using real food and healthy ingredients. Avoid eating out more often than you eat at home.

5)      Size matters. As Americans, we suffer from portion distortion. Even too much of a good thing can be too much. While I don’t advocate counting calories, pay attention to your portion size. The only food that can be eaten in unlimited quantities are vegetables.

6)      Drink water to stay hydrated. Make clean, filtered water your beverage of choice. Shoot for drinking half your weight in ounces of water.

Let’s recharge our batteries. Who couldn’t use more energy? Here are my favorite energy boosting tips:

1)      Get moving! Exercise is the best way to boost your energy. Our bodies were meant to move a whole lot more than our sedentary lives allow. Make it a priority to get some fresh air, exercise and movement into your day.

2)      Get off the roller coaster ride of sugar and caffeine.  When we feel tired, we reach for sweets and/or a cup of joe. Like the roller coaster, these pick-me-ups will give you a quick burst of energy unfortunately to be followed by the big plummet, plunging your blood sugar even lower than before, making you tired and craving more sugar and caffeine. Try drinking a green juice when you feel your energy lagging. A nutritious green vegetable juice will put the pep back into your step. Rather than reaching for something to eat or drink, try heading outside for some fresh air and get your blood moving, or take a quick cat nap.

3)      Grab some Zzzz’s. A good night’s sleep will do wonders for your energy level and outlook. Make your bedroom a haven for rest by keeping it clutter-free and peaceful. Create a nightly ritual that prepares your body and mind for sleep. Read my twelve steps for getting your best night’s sleep here.

4)      Mitigate stress. Chronic stress is exhausting. I think in our day and times, trying to eliminate stress is not only impossible but stressful in itself! Pay attention to situations and circumstances that you find stressful. If you cannot change the situation, can change how you feel? If you can’t change how you feel, do not hesitate to take a time-out. Never forget that taking a deep breath and an even deeper exhale may be all you need to lower your stress level.

5)      Stay hydrated. Not to sound like a broken record, but drinking water is vital for being energetic, healthy and happy. Nothing will slow you down faster than being dehydrated. Don’t wait until you are thirsty, grab a glassful now.

Take time to renew your spirit today! Nothing renews one’s spirit like joy, happiness and laughter. Do at least one thing every day that makes you smile, puts a twinkle in your eye and delights your whole being. Don’t let the bustle and responsibility of daily life overshadow what brings you joy. Only you can nurture your spirit in ways that are meaningful to you. And you, my dear, are so worth the effort!

Wishing you all a healthier, more energetic and happier you!

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