


The world around us is coming back to life, spring is in the air! This has been a long winter, and I’m ready to shed my heaviness and turn my face to the sun. Spring is the perfect time to reflect, renew and regenerate. Springtime is also when we can manifest a brighter, more colorful and joyful life. And heaven knows, I am ready.

I haven’t written in quite some time. I have pondered my reasons and excuses for not writing, the creative void clouding my days. Yes, it has been a very long winter.

As you may know, I live in California, and last year ended tragically. My little corner of the world was devastated. There was a shocking mass shooting at a local nightclub, which was packed with college kids out for a night of dancing and fun. Everyone I know had been at that place at least once or twice. It was known as a safe place to hang out, kick up your heels and dance. Single women and young college kids could feel safe there. Yet violence had landed squarely at our doorstep. We mourned with the families, and we mourned our loss of innocence. Yes, it can happen here.

Before we could wrap our heads around this senseless tragedy, the devil winds started. Our community erupted in wildfire. We had to evacuate for days, not really knowing if our homes were still standing or not. When we did return, we saw the hillsides burned to our property lines, and smoke hung heavy in the air. Thankfully our homes were still standing, not everyone was so lucky. The devastation was shocking. It hurt my heart deeply to see every bush, shrub, tree and hillside charred black, and neighbors’ homes destroyed. My beautiful community was scarred, scorched and mourning deeply.

And then the rains started. With each new storm, the new worry became where the mud and debris would flow, as there was no vegetation left to hold it to the hillside. Finally, we were getting enough rain to ease the drought of the past decade, our prayers were answered! But a new fear dampened any enthusiasm we may have felt to see the rain.

Rationally I knew that fire is a necessary force of nature. It cleanses and purifies. Fire is an instigator for restoration, regeneration and rebirth. However, our post-fire landscape would be forever changed. And mourning that change, the rains fell like tears, washing it clean. The metaphor did not escape me.

Historically, I use the winter season to turn inward, to rest and retreat. This past winter I hunkered down in my den, pulled my family closer and retreated a bit from the chaos outside. But now I’m sniffing the air, sensing the stirring of new life around me. Everywhere nature is reaffirming that life does indeed go on.

Our days are a little brighter, warmer and more hopeful. It’s time to stretch our wings and make plans for the year ahead and welcome all the glory of spring. In many cultures, spring marks the beginning of the new year, the season of growth and possibility. Now is the time for rebirth and it surrounds me.

Today, our charred hillsides are a riot of wildflowers and green grasses, the blessing of fire and rain. The spring sunshine reminds me to honor the cycles of nature, the wheel that is life. I am now ready to leave my den and rejoin the world. As I blink in the bright sunshine, I raise my face to the sun, and am overwhelmed in gratitude. This winter was hard on so many of us, but the promise of spring welcomes us to a new day.

Wishing you all a joyous season of renewal and rebirth. Happy planting!

Last year I wrote about the rites of spring and cultural celebrations of the vernal equinox, you can read the article here. 

The Wisdom of Youth

The Wisdom of Youth

We Can Do Better.  We Must Do Better.

We Can Do Better. We Must Do Better.